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That star-lit night in Bethlehem (Don oíche úd i mBeithil)

Just in time - a new carol edition on Twelfth Night!

Sheet music for the choral edition of That star-lit night in Bethlehem carol
Choral edition

A new SATB choral arrangement and translation by Nigel Edmund-Jones of the old Irish carol That star-lit night in Bethlehem (Don oíche úd i mBeithil in the original Irish Gaelic). An introduction and inter-verse accompaniment, for piano or organ, is included in the arrangement, but the carol may be sung without the accompaniment (and without the few voice part splits). This arrangement uses the original, traditional tune.

A separate arrangement for solo piano is also included in the last two pages of the PDF (see preview at the bottom of this page).

That star-lit night in Bethlehem

Don oíche úd i mBeithil

Will be for ever known

Beidh tagairt faoi ghrian go brach,

That cold, dark night in Bethl’em

Don oíche úd i mBeithil

God’s Word was safely shown.

Go dtáinig an Briathar slán.

The sky was all a-glowing,

Tá gríosghrua ar spéartha,

The earth was covered white.

‘S an talamh na chlúdach bán.

See Jesus in the cradle

Féach Íosagán sa chléibhín,

And Mary’s love so right.

‘S an Mhaighdean a dhúil le grá.

Up on the rolling hillside

Ar leacain lom an tsléibhe

The shepherds came along

Go nglacann na haoiri scáth,

To see the heavens open

Nuair in oscailt gheal na spéire

And angels sing this song:

Tá teachtaire Dé ar fáil.

Great Glory to the Father,

Céad glóir anois don Athair,

We praise the Lord on high.

I bhFlaitheasa thuas go hard!

Goodwill and peace to all men

Is feasta fós ar talamh,

Henceforth on earth, Amen.

d’fheara, dea-mhéin, síocháin.

Celtic Woman recorded the tune for this carol on their A Christmas Celebration album in 2006 (all links open in a new window):

Another arrangement of the traditional tune for this carol, Don oíche úd i mBeithil, may be heard sung by Caroline Peyton (from her album Celtic Christmas Spirit) here:

And, of course, The Chieftains, on their The Bells of Dublin 1991 album of Christmas songs and carols, in Gaelic:

Sheet music for piano solo of That star-lit night in Bethlehem
Piano solo edition


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